18-12-2015 - line art in progress – moving to glass more news to follow…

01-12-2015 - MAYOR’S FUND FOR CLEAN AIR COMMISSION has confirmed additional funding…

The additional funding will help deliver the project to meet the schemes aspirations and aims.

27-11-2015 - Glass lines is planned to be a new series of glass works…more news to follow

20-10-2015 - HEAD

Tom is currently organizing an event with Gayhurst community school involving a mass consequences game for every pupil and teacher of the school.  The drawings made will form the foundation for a series of playground artworks.


06-10-2015 - getting steamy

MOST OF MY WORK PLAYS WITH AN ILLUSION OF FORM THROUGH USING FLAT MEDIUMS…clouds are the least flat you can get i think so producing them large scale using vitreous enamel panels for a building’s facade should a move in th right direction….



02-10-2015 - locations being established for air quality public art project

Positive meeting with great members of brockley coommunity to help establish a series of vitreous enamel artworks to promote cleaner air quality and funded by the majors Clean Air Quality Fund….http://www.tompearman.co.uk/brockley-corridor-arts/

19-09-2015 - moving studio

Finalising move to great new studio after nearly 15 years at Cremer Street off the Hackney Road. New studio sits next to the River Lea, near the Olympic Park so can practice my competition diving and 100M sprint in my lunch break.



BACK IN SEPTEMBER – I’m working on a few projects whilst there, including a JAWS project planned whilst at Cap Cod, New England, location of Spielberg’s infamous 1975 film.  PLEASE CHECK MY BLOG FOR NEWS….



29-07-2015 - Guiness world record attempt for largest consequences game planned for school public art project

more news to follow…



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